SRI Executive | Insights

Supporting organisational development for ICCROM

Written by SRI Executive | Jul 15, 2020 3:06:00 PM

“ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization working in service to its Member States to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage, in every region of the world”. 

The assignment  

The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) developed their 2018-2023 strategy with the intent of renewing and revitalising the organisation as it navigated its changing context. To that end, they looked inward at their HR systems and the processes used to manage and promote performance. With people at the centre of their success, ICCROM wanted to put in place structures to help capitalise on their strengths and understand gaps. 

Our approach  

SRI Executive conducted an organisational diagnostic to understand the current structure, processes, and culture of the organisation. Using this analysis, we provided recommendations on an updated structure, operating model, and a revised performance management system built on key competencies and areas of accountability. To effectively implement these changes, SRI Executive developed a change management plan to ensure a smooth transition.   

Due to the success of this initial project, SRI was contracted to support the set-up of the performance management system and review its efficacy after the first performance cycle.   

The key activities SRI Executive implemented during this assignment include: 

  • Conducted a mixed-method organisational diagnosis from deep dive interviews, facilitated focus groups and ran a survey to understand and assess the current and target state of the organisation 
  • Developed organisational design principles 
  • Built a staff engagement and communications plan to manage fear and build buy-in 
  • Proposed recommendations around shifts in ICCROM’s operating model, structure, lines of authority, job descriptions and behavioural competencies for performance management